MoF decisions #342-1 & 341-1: Extension of VAT declaration & Tax on salaries of Q2-2020 till 31st Aug. 20

August 14, 2020

MoF decisions #342-1 & 341-1: Extension of VAT declaration & Tax on salaries of Q2-2020 till 31st Aug. 20

Dear All,

Please be informed that the Ministry of Finance (MoF) decisions #341/1 and 342/1 dated 14th August 2020 (attached scanned copies) have extended the deadline to file the Value Added Tax (VAT) and the tax on salaries for the 2nd quarter of the year 2020 and the payment of the related taxes until the 31st August 2020  inclusive.

We remain at your disposal should you need any further clarification or information on this subject.

Best regards,