MoF decision #1002-1 dated 2nd December 2019 - Further several extensions with no tax penalties until 10th December 2019

December 3, 2019

MoF decision #1002-1 dated 2nd December 2019 - Further several extensions with no tax penalties until 10th December 2019

Dear All,

Considering the current situation in the country, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) decision #1002/1 dated 2nd December 2019 (attached a scanned copy) has further extended several tax declarations and payment deadlines without any additional interest or penalties till the 10th December 2019, including the 3rd quarter VAT and Tax on salaries declarations and payment as well as the settlement of tax scheduled installments and the submission of the annual corporate income tax declaration, the payment of the related income tax of companies with a special fiscal year ending on the 31st October 2019, the Chapter 3Income tax declaration and the payment of the related tax (tax on interest, tax on dividends, etc…).

We remain at your disposal should you need any further clarification or information on this subject.

Best regards,